Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Christian Fashion. It's Entertainment, too.

It’s fun going to concerts, right?  Andditto for fashion shows and book clubs.  (Wellnot so much the book club thing.)  Nonetheless, all of this sounds, to some degree, entertaining.  Right?  I’ve learned that entertainment is not necessarily something that you go to.  It doesn’t always involve jumping around, or loud, thumping music blaring from amps and subs.  I like to think of entertainment as things that make me feel amused or fulfilled.  I’m a girl.  I like girly things.  Girly things make me feel fulfilled.

I think the same ideas apply to Christians.  Yes—we want to live our lives poured out, but what makes us feel fulfilled?  What makes us feel excited to be a believer?  Now, let me warn you.  This question is not for the religious folk.  Don’t overthink it. 

I get excited (and in some ways feel entertained), when I wear faith-inspired fashion.  So does Minnesota Timberwolves’ Anthony Tolliver, and former NBA Development Leaguer, LannySmith.  In fact, they’ve created a Christian brand, named Active Faith, which fulfills their mission to represent their faith while giving believers a way to be active in their faith.  It’s catchy.  It’s inspiring.  It’s entertaining.

When I first saw Active Faith’s site, I thought, “everyone needs to know about this, and they’ve got to know now.”  A bit extreme?  Not in the least.  Active Faith is the perfect example of how believers can do what they absolutely love (professionally) while encouraging believers and generating some Godly-buzz for those that don’t believe.  National platforms (NBA, NFL, celebrities, etc.) are now more relatable to us every-day, common-folk because of one strong thread that binds us together.  Faith. 

Active Fait has got this clever tag line—the motto is the basis for its brand.  “In Jesus Name I Pray”.  Ironically, the professional game of football and basketball is much more than a game.  It’s a way of life.  Isn’t the same true for believers who walk the straight and narrow?  The Christian excitement (or lifestyle) is a way of life for believers.  Win or lose.  Live or die.  To exist or not exist.    

We’re producing a Christian fashion show in Cincinnati and a few other major markets—it’s called WIP.  The acronym stands for wear it proud.  The show’s mission is to shake a generation and challenge it to boldly declare their faith in God.  Much like other Christian designers, Active Faith has presented a need—a need to be consumed.  Its vision is to, “provide fashionable and functional sportswear for the active athlete as well as any person wanting to wear and share their faith.”  Christians want to feel fulfilled.  We want to be a part of the entertainment.  We want to influence and inspire.  The need for Christian entertainment management exists and is supported by something we do day in and day out without ever thinking about it.  Fashion. 

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