Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I’m A Christian Entertainment Biz Owner, Now What?

Don’t give up!  First thing’s first.  Understand what you’re doing, and why.  EMI Christian Music Group’s founder, Billy Ray says in Ruben Porras’ online article, 10 Best Christian Owned Business, “I’ve always been led by the importance of doing what God says do.”  

This leading principle is what I like to call force; it’s the reiterating power that reminds Christian businessmen and businesswomen in the entertainment industry that their passion is a God-given purpose.  Not a hobby.

As a Christian business owner, not only is it crucial to adhere to the entrepreneur culture of the industry, but also there’s a whole other set of standards.  Spiritual standards.  As believers, God commands us do things in excellence.  This goes past doing things and doing them well.  It means striving for perfection.  Bible scholars call this “spiritual maturity”.

Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo writes in her blog about a few key principles that help Christian entrepreneurs thrive.  One of these principles is preparation.  Now, preparation goes without saying.  The principle that Christian entrepreneurs inadvertently hide most is the principle of fear.  Whoa.  Now, this is where the getting’ gets good.  How can an every-day entrepreneur be successful if they’re scared?  How can a Believer take on their industry competition if their competition scares them?  Moreover, how can a Believer be a Believer if they harbor fear?!  It’s impossible.

Another obvious principle: the early bird gets the worm.  Right?  I mean; that’s what we were taught in nursery school, through childhood, and again (in a form of reiteration) as adults, right?  Guess what?  It’s true.  Being proactive (or biting early) shows boldness.  Investors and followers like boldness.  It reflects confidence in the brand or product. 

A freight train, in its massive size, has a purpose; to get from point A to point B.  The track is its guide.  Consumers rely on freight trains for their products.  Think about this: what if a train—in its massive size—gave up on its purpose and fell to its side because it saw (thousands of miles in the distance) another train approaching the dock?  Silly, right? 

The entertainment industry is fierce.  Competition will always exist.  Before the frustration of the industry sets in, always consider this: your purpose for the Christian entertainment industry is God-given and faith and fear cannot co-exist.  (Matthew 8:26)  Don’t be bothered by the competition.  Take solace in knowing your existence and the industry’s need for your professional and spiritual contribution.

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