Monday, June 11, 2012

UGH--No More Excuses!

Oh. Em.  Gizzle.  Minus a few fowl language explosions, Gary Vaynerchuk nailed it in his speech, Do What You Love—No Excuses.  Every single thought was solid truth, but nothing was more passion-driven than his delivery.  His excitement as a speaker wheels his audience in and is a testament for his brand.  This social media expert's speech is a hustler’s gateway to the entrepreneurial world of hard work.  His message is crystal clear: do what you love.  No excuses.

There is a reigning notion that starting and branding a business is sweet and easy.  Gary addressed this faux image and was unapologetic about the pain that came with his response.   What’d he say?  Shut up and do it.  (Paraphrasing, of course.)  Get over the hard work—either you want it, or you don’t!  Are you a working entrepreneur?  Great.  Work your 9-5, come home, greet the family, and then work from 7-2AM.  If you love it, you’ll do it.  It’s all about building the brand.    

Gary has an amazing confidence that it is totally possible for everyone to live their dream and LOVE it.  He draws attention to the people that make the deliberate choice to be miserable in the work they do—he even chastises them.

Gary talks about the “P” twins: patience and passion.  Gary begs his audience to stop doing things that make them unhappy.  He says the financial risk for happiness and unhappiness is the same.  In less than a decade, Gary turned his family’s million dollar business into a $50 million dollar business.  But the moment he became a fraction of unhappy (1%), he had an epiphany that something in his life needed to change—even if it meant risking money.  His passion is illustrated through his care for his user base.  It all starts with the answer to one question: “what do I want to do every day for the rest of my life?”

It’s 2012 and there are no more gatekeepers to happiness.  Opportunity is in the hand of the brander.  The importance of a business model is crucial—make cash while you build your brand.  Gary says, “Legacy is greater than currency.”  Build your brand—not your bank account.  The financial restitution comes as a result of your professional reputation created by passion and patience.  Brand equity is the most fundamental resource to a business owner.  He says, “There is never a bad time when you believe, when you work hard, and when you know what you’re doing.”  The hard and rigorous work sucks.  But if you LOVE what you’re doing, then you succeed.  If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, neither will your followers.  Gary says that there’s only one chance at “this game”.  Do it.  Love it.  Mean it.  Own it.

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